The Abhaya Fellowship and Longsal Ling
When I say this is a place to serve the Buddha’s teachings I mean it in a very vast way. I mean, to not think of this center as sectarian or denominational, or a religious center, but really a place where we welcome those who want to learn about how to increase good-heartedness and serving the needs of sentient beings. That’s the underlying sentiment that we should have here at Abhaya, which is really about those who have faith in the Dharma and spirituality, who want to become better people and serve sentient beings. That is what we teach here.
- Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche

Saturday morning teaching and practice
Join us on Saturday mornings for teaching and practice with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche. You are warmly invited to attend in person or online. The community meets for meditation and practice when Rinpoche is not teaching.
Join our email list to receive weekly notifications.
UPCOMING RETREAT: April 12 & 13, 2025
Compassionate Heart, Awakened Mind: Lojong (Mind Training)
with Anam Thubten and Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
Saturday and Sunday, April 12 & 13, 2025
In person only at Dharmata Foundation’s Dhumatala Temple in Point Richmond, CA
All are welcome.
Learn more and register: https://events.humanitix.com/lojong_retreat_2025
Dudjom Ngondro Retreat
A 3-Day Retreat with Dungse Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
Friday, May 2 to Sunday, May 4, 2025
Longsal Ling, 1833 Arlington Blvd, El Cerrito, CA 94530
Attend in person (commuter) or online
Learn more and register: https://events.humanitix.com/ngondro2025
SAVE THE DATE: May 17 & 18, 2025
Dudjom Phowa Retreat
with Dungse Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
Saturday and Sunday, May 17 & 18, 2025
Hosted by TLC Transitional Life Care at
Orgyen Dorje Den in Alameda, California
Registration coming soon: https://www.tlcserves.org/present
Friday, January 24 to Sunday, January 26, 2025
The 14 Root Downfalls of Vajrayana
with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
Pema Osel Ling
2013 Eureka Canyon Rd.
Watsonville, CA 95076
In person and online
The Vajrayana Foundation is happy to announce that Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche has accepted its invitation to offer teachings at Pema Osel Ling on the 14 Root Downfalls of Vajrayana. This retreat is open to all, and available to in-person and online participants.
“The 14 Root Downfalls” of Vajrayana are serious vows taken on the Buddhist path to avoid the deterioration of samaya (sacred commitment) and obstructions to enlightenment.
Vajrakilaya imagery used by permission of Trish DeMers (artofwisdommind@gmail.com); all rights reserved.
Annual Tashi Choling Vajrakilaya Retreat
November 5th thru 15th, 2024
9:00 am-6:30 pm daily
Attend in-person or on Zoom
To cut through negative emotions and mindsets, to remove outer and inner obstacles and hindrances, and to clear the way for happiness, well being, harmony, balance, and spiritual progress in ourselves, our dharma centers, our countries, and all beings, as we gather once again to practice Vajrakilaya, the Buddha of Enlightened Activity and the wrathful emanation of Vajrasattva.
Tashi Choling is very happy to announce that Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche will be joining us as Vajra Master.
Resident teachers Lama Chonam and Sangye Khandro will also kindly join us!
Attendance Requirements:
Vajrakilaya or other Vajrayana empowerment, AND daily practice under the guidance of a qualified lama.
Dudjom Tersar P’howa
Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
Transmission, Teachings & Practice
Translated by Vanessa Kubota
Join TLC Transitional Life Care
for this Rare, In-Person / Hybrid event
Saturday, October 19, 2024
at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple, Alameda, CA
One must have previously received formal Buddhist refuge vows to attend.
Amitabha Pureland Retreat
Saturday, October 12, 2024, 10am - 5pm US Pacific Time (PDT)
Online via Zoom
Tsinta Mani Choling is very happy to welcome Dungse Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche to the new retreat land on October 12th, 2024. We warmly invite you to join us on ZOOM. Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche will begin the day with the empowerment of Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light and Dewachen, the Pureland of Great Bliss. In the afternoon he will teach on the four remedies for rebirth in the Amitabha pure land.
Statue of Dudjom Lingpa presented by Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche to Lama Tharchin Rinpoche, with painting by Lama Kumar. Photography by Bryan Scheideck.
Dudjom Lingpa Nang Jang – Empowerment and Teachings with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche (Retreat in Colorado)
September 18 - 24, 2024
Tara Mandala, Pagosa Springs, Colorado
On its auspicious 30th Year Anniversary, Tara Mandala is honored to announce the offering of empowerment (Tib. wang) and precious teachings on Dudjom Lingpa’s Nang Jang by Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche.
Nang Jang (refinement of perception) is the name given to a visionary text of the Tibetan Dzogchen tradition, in which the Dzogchen master, Dudjom Lingpa, experiences visionary visitations from fourteen awakened beings, including Avalokiteshvara, Longchenpa, and Padmasambhava, who teach him of the illusory nature of all things and how they arise from the Ground of Being, the Primordial State.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024: Book talk at Watkins Books
Loving Life as It Is - Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 17:00 – 18:00 (UTC +1)
Watkins Books
London, 19-21 Cecil Ct, London WC2N 4EZ, UK
Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche gives profound advice on how to deal with the challenges, obstacles, stress and chaos of everyday life, including how to change our perception of pain and suffering completely, embracing whatever arises with joy in our hearts.
He will be translated by the renowned Tibetan Buddhist master Anam Thubten, author of Into the Haunted Ground and other titles.
July 19 to 21, 2024: Retreat at London Shambhala
Embodying Acceptance, Compassion and Joy
with Anam Thubten and Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
Friday evening, July 19 to Sunday afternoon, July 21, 2024
London Shambhala Meditation Centre
27 Belmont Close, London SW4 6AY
Tibetan Buddhism offers rich wisdom on bringing every kind of situation onto the spiritual path. All the challenges that occur in our lives can be a source of inner growth if we welcome them with an open heart and an enlightened perspective. Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche has recently published book entitled “Loving Life As It Is,” which is highly relevant to this retreat. Both teachers will speak about how to nurture the qualities that support these timeless teachings in meditation practice and how to embody these teachings in everyday life.
Loving Life as It Is: Book launch and celebration
“Loving Life As It Is”
Book publication date: June 11, 2024
Book Launch and Celebration: Saturday June 22, 2024
10 am US Pacific (PDT), in person and online
Based on a series of talks given by Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche in 2022, this book offers timely advice on engaging happiness and suffering — all of life’s joys and challenges — as the path to true freedom and contentment.
Dudjom Ngondro Retreat 2024
Dudjom Ngondro Retreat with Lama Lakshey Zangpo
Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9, 2024
10 am to 4:30 pm Pacific Time (PDT) each day
Longsal Ling, 1833 Arlington Blvd, El Cerrito, CA 94530 (Google maps)
Attend in person (commuter) or online
Lama Lakshey comes to Longsal Ling; you are warmly invited to attend in person or online via Zoom. This retreat is open to all with a sincere interest; no prior background is necessary. This is a special opportunity to hear the dharma from beginning to end from a learned and accomplished master.
37 Practices of the Bodhisattva with Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche
on Saturday mornings, April 6, April 20 and May 11, 2024
37 Practices of the Bodhisattva with Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche
Saturday mornings, April 6, April 20 and May 11, 2024
Online or in person at Longsal Ling
When Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche opened Saturday mornings at Longsal Ling, he began with a series on the 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva. At his request, Lama Lakshey Zangpo renews this invaluable teaching.
No registration required, learn how to join in person or online.
Awakening Bodhicitta Retreat with Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche, March 30, 2024
Awakening Bodhicitta Retreat with Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche
Sat Mar 30th 2024, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Santa Cruz County
The heartfelt practice of Bodhicitta is a path to profound awakening. It transcends our individual identity and reveals the realization of the perfection of emptiness. Cultivating bodhicitta, reduces self-centeredness, reveals the interconnectedness of all things, and strengthens one’s compassion. The ultimate goal of Bodhicitta is the eradication of suffering and the attainment of perfect Buddhahood.
Sacred Perception: A Radical Transformation, a two-day retreat with Anam Thubten and Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche, June 3 and 4, 2023.
Sacred Perception: A Radical Transformation
with Anam Thubten and Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
June 3 and 4, 2023, 10 am to 5 pm US Pacific (PDT) each day
Attend online by Zoom
Often we see the world, nature, and our life through a distorted perception, which causes trauma, unnecessary pain, and division. If we are able to hold everything in what Tibetan Buddhism calls "sacred perception," then there will be a natural, deep healing and an awakening that brings about unity, joy, peace, and love.
On June 3 and 4, Anam Thubten and Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche will lead a two-day, online retreat, sharing Tibetan Buddhist wisdom and practices that help change our limited perception. This brings about a radical inner shift as our perception becomes unified and connected to the realm of an all-pervasive sacredness.
Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony and Bodhicitta Teaching Retreat with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche, Saturday May 13, 2023
Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony and Bodhicitta Teaching Retreat
with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
Saturday, May 13, 2023, from 10 am to 5 pm US Pacific Time (PDT)
Each day, if we give rise to Bodhicitta--the mind of awakening--then eventually, inevitably, our practice will blossom into perfection. If we learn to direct the mind toward serving others, the results are priceless. Through Bodhicitta we can directly see our own mind's true nature. There are many wrong views about what can be experienced in practice, and many ways one might wander astray; but if we simply cultivate loving kindness, Bodhicitta and compassion, then there is no way to deviate. This is because Bodhicitta is the unmistaken path.
Dudjom Ngondro Retreat with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche, Friday March 31 to Sunday April 2, 2023
Dudjom Ngondro Retreat
with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
March 31 to April 2, 2023
Ngondro is an indispensable and necessary practice for anyone who truly wishes to become a pure Dharma practitioner. There are many different ngondro practice texts of varying lengths. This Ngondro text put together by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje is very special because it carries the profound power and blessings of the lineage. It is a perfect length--not too long and not too short, and especially fitting for the present day. And it contains the blessing-filled words of the former and later Dudjom.
To become a good Dharma practitioner, tame your mind, make this life meaningful, and follow the Lama, then you must have ngondro practice.
Please join us online for teachings by Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche on "Going Beyond the Eight Worldly Concerns", translated by Vanessa Kubota.
This talk is part of a series on "Taking Happiness and Suffering as the Path."
Wednesday, Jan 4, 2023
6 to 8 pm PST (California Time)
Rainbow Path Retreat, in person and online, with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche, Friday, October 7 to Sunday October 9, 2022
with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
October 7-9, in person or online
The Buddhist path of Tibet begins with taking refuge and culminates in the highest sign of attainment, the rainbow body. At each step, the profound dharma offers limitless benefit for all beings. You are warmly invited to join the first in a series of teaching and practice retreats at Ewa Beach, O’ahu, Hawaii, the land of rainbows where spirit and ocean join in harmony. Tulku Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche will begin the series with a teaching on Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light, and Dewachen, the pure land of great bliss.
A very special Dharma Teaching: "Being Spacious and Joyful" with our honored guest Adzom Gyurme Gyatso Rinpoche and Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche, Saturday July 9, 10 am to 12:30 pm
To download the audio MP3 and a PDF of the Wang Du please follow the link below:
Dzogchen Meditation Retreat with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche and Anam Thubten, May 13-15, 2022.
Friday, May 13, 7 to 8:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday, May 14 & 15, 10 am to 5 pm PDT
Presented by the Abhaya Fellowship and Dharmata Foundation
JOIN us FOR study and practice
The path to an awakened-heart begins with study, reflection, and meditation. Practice sessions are held weekly on topics ranging from ethics, meditation, wisdom, compassion, logic, Sutra, and Tantra. Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche is a fully qualified Dharma teacher and Vajrayana Master in the lineage of Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche. He teaches in the spirit of the Rime non-sectarian movement of Tibetan Buddhism. He teaches profound and practical wisdom from the Dzogchen point of view, so that we can experience the magic of life and bring positivity into the world.